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Hypnosis creates an altered trance state, similar to meditation, where we can bypass the critical mind and add suggestions to align your subconsious mind and conscious mind so you are no longer fighting yourself to create a new mindset, patterns, self-trust, and ultimately happiness! 


Now offering hypnosis for your self-development, vocational and avocational goals. I am happy to announce this modality into my services. For a log time I knew there was something more my practice could offer to help people make long term changes in their emotional discomfort and lifestyles. Intuitive sessions with guides brings clarity. Energy work helps to heal energy patterns, wounding, past lives, family lineage. 

work space for Classes and Services

Back to Basics




Presented by Sarah Keene and Karen Glass


Date: Saturday, December 1, 2018.

Time: 9:30 am -5:00 pm ( 90 minute lunch break)

Where: 701 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura, CA

Cost: $75.00 (no refund after November 24th)


  • Understand Energy:

    • Understand how other people's energy can affect yours

    • Learn how to protect your energy from other people's emotions or energy

    • Learn about energetic cords

    • Discover if your emotions are really yours or are you absorbing other’s energy

    • Discover simple energy protection exercises and how to clear your energy

  • Understanding the importance of grounding and how to ground

  • Understand how psychics and mediums receive information

    • Learn the “Clairs”

    • Understand how to use your gifts

    • Learn about symbols

  • Learn about different types of guides

    • Understand who the Archangels and Ascended Masters are

    • Meet your own personal angelic team

    • Understand how they differ from deceased loved ones

    • Learn how to connect and know the difference between your guides

    • Learn how each type of guide has a different purpose  to assist you

    • Learn how your guides constantly communicate with you

    • Learn how to connect with your guides and how to ask for assistance

    • Understanding free will and your own personal power

  • Learn basic meditation techniques to get you started on your own inner journey. Learn how to connect to your team through meditation, and learn the benefits of using your gifts and how being connected can improve your life

Limited to 20 people. Need to pay online to reserve your spot. You may receive a refund, minus a transaction fee, until November 3rd.

Using your Intuition


When: Feb 26 pm, 6:30 - 8:30 pm


Where: 701 E. Santa Clara Street, Ventura. Ste 50


Price: $40


Your body is always reading the energy around you. The mind and body are always interpreting this energy to make an educated decision about how to proceed in life. Are the roads safe to drive on? Is there danger on the dark path? Do you like the doctor who just walked into the room? Which food will settle your stomach ache?


How does this happen? The energy of our own spirit body is way bigger than the little human body we are walking around in every day. Most of our spirit is outside the physical body, picking up and receiving energetic information all the time. This makes the physical body a receiver of this spiritual energy and the mind, a translator of it. 


When we learn the ways that our body is receiving impressions from around us, we create a new relationship with our own spirit. We can learn to trust our self more and feel more confident in making decisions. 


In this class you will learn how your mind/body/spirit work together to send/receive information, learn about your own natural intuition, learn how to translate all this goodness, and how to grown your intuition stronger.  


Limited to 20 people. Need to pay online to reserve your spot. You may receive a refund, minus a transaction fee, until Feb 19.

Learn to Meditate with your spirit guide team



Everyone has a team of spirit guides working with them throughout their life. Through meditation we can learn to feel more connected with them and receive guidance from them. You will learn how to clear your own energy field and set protection, what types of guides we have access to, and how to tap into your own spirit guide team. We'll talk about your personal guides & angels, archangels, nature & animal spirit guides, ascended masters & celestial light beings. Each class will be packed full of information and completed with a guided meditation.

Tuesdays, April 11,18, 25 & May 2, 9.  6:30-8pm. $125.

Angel & Guide Readings


Your Divine Guides see your life in its entirety as having already happened. Messages from them are enlightening and encouraging. Whether you are just curious about your guides or facing major life decisions, your guide's loving perspective can open your eyes, boost your confidence, and settle your heart. You can ask your own questions. I will channel messages from your guides in person, Skype or by phone.

60 min - $80

30 min - $45

Basic Spirituality Weekend  Intensive


When: February 23 & 24, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm.  Lunch is 12:00 - 1:30 pm on your own


Where: 701 E. Santa Clara Street, Ventura. Ste 50


Price: $150


This is my most requested class content, formerly called "Spirituality 101." I've re-vamped the content in order to offer it as a weekend intensive class. We will cover a lot of information in a fun and uplifting setting. You'll receive everything I offered in the 5-week class during this one weekend.


The focus in this class is aimed at those new on their spiritual path.  We will discuss how energy works, define your energy field, understand why you attract certain things to you, learn about the "clairs" and your natural gifts, how to clear your energy field, working with your chakras, what types of spirit people are we working with, what happens when we cross over into the spirit world, how to heal your DNA and karma, plus meditations that can change your life.


Limited to 20 people. Need to pay online to reserve your spot. You may receive a refund, minus a transaction fee, until Feb 16.


Spiritual Energy Clearing


Clear out unneeded energy that you have been carrying for lifetimes. Powerful or traumatic events can leave cords or energetic scars on your soul. As you enter new lifetimes, you bring with you some of your old physical and emotional wounds. This can create a block or repetitive pattern in your current life. In a fully relaxed, awakened state we discuss challenges you may be experiencing. We will work together to release your unneeded soul baggage. This is a great service to have between large transitions in your life such as changing jobs or ending a relationship. Held in person, Skype or by phone. 90 mins. $100.

Group Past Life Regressions


Past life regression in a group setting allows you to experience a shorter version of what I do in my three hour hypnosis session for a smaller price. You will be guided in a meditation/hypnosis, lasting approximately 30 minutes. Under hypnosis, you are always in control of your body and will be able to remember the session. These short sessions can be instrumental to learning what lessons are most pertinent to your journey today. People generally find the more they do this type of meditation/hypnosis, the easier they go into past lives. Come experience it yourself. Seating is limited, must email to RSVP. Stay tuned for date.

1.5 - 2 hours - $40.

     Yoga & Meditation 


When: Coming soon



Where: 701 E. Santa Clara Street, Ventura. Ste 50


Price: $10


I am excited to offer yoga classes as I finish up my certification for teaching yoga. Last year, I answered the call to become a yogi and it has been a life altering experience thus far. Part of the experience has been to learn how to teach aspects of yoga. This journey has deepened my understanding of spirit, facilitated in my own self-healing journey, and given me a bigger since of peace. I have lots of days/times to choose from. Class is limited to 4 people for now.


This Devotional Yoga class will get your blood pumping with easy strengthening asanas. The class is designed to clear stagnant energy out of the body, aura and mind with pranayama (breathe work), mantras, and singing bowls. This is a perfect combination to help you ease into a deep guided meditation at the end of class.


Limited to 4 people. Reserve your space online by paying or text me at 805-232-4110.


Angel Meditation Classes


You will explore the beautifulangelic realm of enlightened beings. Learn how they can help you in your everyday life. They are a very powerful source of protection, healing, manifesting and guidance. Classes contain lecture materials, guided meditation and discussion. Small class settings keep the experience personal and intimate. 1.5 hour class - $25

Next Class: October 6, 13, 20, 27. 7-8:30pm.

Meditation Techniques - 1 Day Intensive Seminar


Date: Saturday, January 20, 2019

Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm

Where: 701 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura, CA

Cost: $85


Please pay online to reserve your spot. You may receive a refund, minus a transaction fee if cancelled 3 days before your cl

Spirituality 101 Class


This class suited for individuals beginning their spiritual journey as well as those wanting refresh and expand on their knowledge of these topics. Each class will end with a guided meditation that will be perfectly suited for the attendees.

  • Energy & Protection. How energy works. Learn how to ground and protect yourself so you don't feel as drained throughout the day.

  • How you sense spiritual guidance. What are chakra systems.

  • Guides, angels, star people, and what happens when we die.

  • How we keep memories locked in our DNA. How to let go of karmic contracts. 

Four, 2-hour classes - $120 for all four classes.

Next Class:  October 7, 14, 21, & 28. 7-9pm.

Mediumship Sittings with your

Loved Ones in Spirit


Connecting with your loved ones who are in spirit can  bring peace and understanding that life continues after we transition out of our physical body. It can be fun and surprising which loved ones would like to bring you messages. I will be the translator for your loved ones. They will send me visions and feelings to help me give you loving messages. It works best if we can be open minded to who wants to bring you messages. If you are hoping to connect with a particular person, please let me know and we will try to make that connection when the time is right.

Sitting in person, Skype or by phone.

60 min - $125

30 min - $70

Meditation Technique Classes


Date: See Below

Time: 6:00-7:30

Where: 701 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura, CA

Cost: $25.00

Instructor: Sarah Keene

Click here to sign up.


Each class you will learn a new technique to expand your meditation practice. Classes will include a technique discussion and a guided meditation.


October 18 - Settling Down the Mind for Meditation

Learn techniques for releasing busy thoughts so you can have more success deepening your meditations.


October 24 - The Gifts of Meditation with Mantras

Learn why and how mantras work to purify you. Have more success using them. Come away with some great mantras to use for in your daily practice.


November 1 - Send Energy to your Future Self

Learn a great technique to send love and energetic support to days or situations in the future. Give a boost to Future-You for job interviews, first days, or even tough days ahead. You'll fly through these days with more ease using this technique.


November 7 - Planting Seeds and Manifesting (New moon meditation)

Learn some manifesting techniques that will supercharge new energies you would like to bring into your life.


Nov 14-  Release Toxic Ties

Learn energy clearing techniques to dissolve the ties that keep you in toxic patterns or relationships. Emerge feeling more empowered and liberated for the future.


Please pay online to reserve your spot. You may receive a refund, minus a transaction fee if cancelled 3 days before your class.

Manifesting Meditation


This is a monthly guided group meditation. I will teach and guide you in meditations to manifest a great new future. We'll use the group setting to increase the energy level and  enhance the power you are putting into your manifestations. You will learn great tools for manifesting that you can do on your own each day. $20

Monday, February 27, 6:30-7:30pm.

Monday, March 27, 6:30-7:30pm

Back to Basics


Presented by Sarah Keene and Karen Glass


Date: Saturday, December 1, 2018.

Time: 9:30 am -5:00 pm ( 90 minute lunch break)

Where: 701 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura, CA

Cost: $75.00 (no refund after November 24th)


  • Understand Energy:

    • Understand how other people's energy can affect yours

    • Learn how to protect your energy from other people's emotions or energy

    • Learn about energetic cords

    • Discover if your emotions are really yours or are you absorbing other’s energy

    • Discover simple energy protection exercises and how to clear your energy

  • Understanding the importance of grounding and how to ground

  • Understand how psychics and mediums receive information

    • Learn the “Clairs”

    • Understand how to use your gifts

    • Learn about symbols

  • Learn about different types of guides

    • Understand who the Archangels and Ascended Masters are

    • Meet your own personal angelic team

    • Understand how they differ from deceased loved ones

    • Learn how to connect and know the difference between your guides

    • Learn how each type of guide has a different purpose  to assist you

    • Learn how your guides constantly communicate with you

    • Learn how to connect with your guides and how to ask for assistance

    • Understanding free will and your own personal power

  • Learn basic meditation techniques to get you started on your own inner journey. Learn how to connect to your team through meditation, and learn the benefits of using your gifts and how being connected can improve your life

Limited to 20 people. Need to pay online to reserve your spot. You may receive a refund, minus a transaction fee, until November 3rd.

Mantras for Meditation


Date: Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Time: 6:00-7:30

Where: 701 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura, CA

Cost: $25.00


Mantras for Meditation is a fun class where you will learn some tools for transcending your busy mind (monkey mind) and enjoy deeper meditations 

  • Learn the benefits of using mantras.

  • How to use mantras in your meditation practice.

  • What mantra should you use?

  • Practice your new skills in class.


Please pay online to reserve your spot. You may receive a refund, minus a transaction fee if cancelled 3 days before your class.

Unlocking your Inner Wisdom


Date: Wednesday, Dec 12, 2018.

Time: 6-7:30pm

Where: 701 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura, CA

Cost: $25.00

Unlocking your Inner Wisdom is a class dedicated to understanding how your body is already an efficient device your spirit is using to help you navigate through your life. You will learn tools to help you crack the code to using your Inner Wisdom. You will be taken on a guided meditation that will help you feel more connected to your own Spirit.


  • How does your own Spirit communicate with you?

  • Learn about your natural GPS that helps you navigate life.

  • Learn about the “Clairs.”

  • What clair is your body using?


Please pay online to reserve your spot. You may receive a refund, minus a transaction fee if cancelled 3 days before your class.


Community Guided Meditation 


Date: Wednesday 19, 2018

Time: 6:00-7:30

Where: 701 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura, CA

Cost: Donation Only


Heading into the holidays can make you feel like you have been taking crazy pills. Join me in a guided meditation to soothe the soul. This will be like the meditation groups I used to have on Sundays. Please RSVP to save your seat.

Spirituality 101 Class


Date: Wednesdays, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2018

Time: 6-8pm

Where: 701 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura, CA

Cost: $130


This class suited for individuals beginning their spiritual journey as well as those wanting refresh and expand on their knowledge of these topics. Each class will end with a guided meditation that will be perfectly suited for the attendees.

  • Energy & Protection. How energy works. Learn how to ground and protect yourself so you don't feel as drained throughout the day.

  • How you sense spiritual guidance. What are chakra systems.

  • Guides, angels, star people, and what happens when we die.

  • How we keep memories locked in our DNA. How to let go of karmic contracts. 

Four, 2-hour classes - $120 for all four classes.


So you're an Empath?                        


When: March 12, 6:30 - 8:30 pm.


Where: 701 E. Santa Clara Street, Ventura. Ste 50


Price: $40


Being an empath means that you can understand and feel things others are going though. But did you know that it may also mean you can feel the mood of a room? Or that you may pick up on the emotions of the person who owned an object before you? You could even be feeling the emotional and physical symptoms from people around you or from those who are thinking of you. 


Many empaths feel overwhelmed by their natural ability to feel the environment around them. They have a tendency to shrink down and hide because the world seems too loud, painful, or intense. In this class, you will learn why you have these special gifts, how to navigate through your super powers feeling more empowered, and learn some very important tools to make life easier for yourself.


From one empath to another, I can tell you that life gets easier when we embrace our natural abilities. I look forward to seeing you in class.


Limited to 20 people. Need to pay online to reserve your spot. You may receive a refund, minus a transaction fee, until Mar 5.

Connecting with your Spirit Guides Weekend Intensive Class



When: March 23 & 24, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm.  Lunch is 12:00 -1:30 pm on your own


Where: 701 E. Santa Clara Street, Ventura. Ste 50


Price: $150


In this class you will learn how to meditate and how to use your body to understand messages from your guides. You will meditate with your guides and meet them. There will also be opportunities to practice channeled writing throughout this class.


Opening up your communication lines with your guides in meditation will help your life in many ways. You can strengthen your "gut instinct," become more aware of your guides presence, or even hear their advice as you go through your day. Each person's experience will vary depending upon their spiritual development and their life's purpose. 


Each class will contain a lecture about different parts of our team: archangels, ascended masters, spirit guides, loved ones who are guides, nature spirits, and other light beings. I will also do a guided meditation to help you connect with your spirit guide team.


Limited to 20 people. Need to pay online to reserve your spot. You may receive a refund, minus a transaction fee, until Mar 16.

Meditation & Healing Techniques - 2 Day Intensive Seminar


Date: Sat & Sun, February 9 & 10, 2019

Time: 9:30 am -3:00 pm ( 90 minute lunch break)

Where: 701 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura, CA

Cost: $140 (no refund after February 2nd)


Please pay online to reserve your spot. You may receive a refund, minus a transaction fee if cancelled 3 days before your cl

2-Day Beginner's Workshop

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